The world of Internet of Things

The world of Internet of Things

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Logistics Management

Speaking of logistics management, the first reaction of many people is to deliver express, but it is not. Logistics involves a wide range, mainly learning the basic theories of systematic economics and management, mastering certain capabilities in logistics planning and design, logistics management, logistics operation, etc., so as to cultivate the ability to engage in supply chain design and management and logistics in trading companies and logistics companies Applied and compound talents for system optimization and operation management. In the new era of the Internet, most logistics companies are facing opportunities and vents for transformation and development. New technologies are constantly promoting the development of new logistics models. In the future, whether it is to enter the three links and one delivery or enter the shipping logistics enterprise, whether it is a management training, As a warehouse supervisor, keeping abreast of the latest developments in logistics is also a compulsory course. Among them, the most common barcode technology provides a strong guarantee for the scientific management of the warehousing and distribution business in modern logistics and supply chain management in the circulation of goods. The rugged handheld PC, as a piece of information equipment for recording barcodes, plays an even more important role. Genzo's new PDAS series, three reinforced handheld terminals, are designed with scenes such as warehouse infield, fixed asset inventory, logistics transfer station, express delivery, and delivery as the center, which runs through logistics receiving and dispatching, scheduling, and tracing. High-efficiency operations can bring disruptive changes to logistics companies.


Industrial Engineering

Do you want to work in an elegant office building that is located in the city's CBD with high-rise buildings and overlooks the entire city? Or do you want to work in an industrial park surrounded by trees and restaurants? Everyone thinks differently. In fact, each has its own merits. It's no worse in the industrial park than in the CBD. As a major industrial country, China has been developing rapidly, and industrial engineering is a discipline closely related to this. It mainly learns basic knowledge and skills in broad engineering, business management, humanities, and social sciences, and forms an understanding of the production process and production system. The ability to analyze, plan, design, manage and operate the service system, so as to cultivate senior professional and managerial talents in electronic technology, new energy, instrumentation, and other industries. Under the guidance of "Made in China 2025", the demand for intelligent industrial talents by industrial enterprises is increasing. Realizing the intelligentization of industrial production and management is a more urgent task. The application of information technology to the entire process of industrial production and management is an effective method. Genzo's RUGGED TABLET PC, multi-size, multiform, and multi-platform, is acting as the role of the information infrastructure and carrier in the industrial production process. It can not only perform a series of intelligent activities such as statistics, analysis, judgment, and decision-making but also achieve Full communication and sharing of information, the establishment of industrial Internet or Internet of Things


Civil Engineering

There are many posts about civil engineering on the Internet. Do you really want to enter a construction site after graduating from this major? It may be, but don' t be pessimistic, it may allow you to directly enter the middle-class world. The civil engineering profession covers a wide range, engineering costs, engineering management, engineering surveying, etc. are its branches, and it also includes a series of core courses such as engineering surveying, geographic information system, material mechanics, structural mechanics, etc. It aims to cultivate professional, practical, and innovative talents for design units, construction companies, real estate development companies, etc.The era of relying on manual work has passed, and civil engineering is also merging with intelligence.Taking the field of infrastructure construction as an example, intelligent collection, intelligent planning, intelligent design, intelligent construction, and intelligent maintenance are all new trends in the transition from civil engineering to intelligence. Once these technologies are fully integrated Promotion and application will bring profound changes to civil engineers. The ruggedized notebook computers from Genzo have powerful computing capabilities and rich interfaces, which can easily support and integrate digital instruments, digital-aided design systems, digital mapping systems, digital monitoring and diagnosis systems, and GIS systems. In addition, they are durable, waterproof, and vibration resistant, and are used to withstand the harsh environment of the construction site. It is more than enough in engineering construction, outdoor surveying and mapping, and other related fields. With it, civil engineering and informatization can be quickly integrated, and the construction industry can open the road to "intelligent manufacturing"
